If You've ever read the bible and have been led by the Holy Spirit You'll notice an uneasy cognitive dissonance due to a Jesus rarely preached in Sermons...
We should know that the world goverment MUST be in place before the antiChrist can make his appearance (Daniel 7). It seems as if, the groundwork, the technology and the spiritual state of humanity mu...
We have been duped into creating a version of Jesus that is personal to us. Mainly a Jesus who will accept our personal hidden sins. For a baby Christian who loves porn, this Jesus will accept the por...
Here is a picture of what I believe Jesus would look like if He were alive in physical form today doing His ministry....
This question is arguably one of the most controversial questions in Christianity since its inception. To many Christians it might even be seen as heretical to ask such a question. But being the Berea...
Its controversy is founded on the fact that it is said to be a future event at the time of the anti-christ. It is controversial because if You read it at face value You would never know that 7 years o...
One of the first things on the mind of every Christian after they have accepted Jesus and have repented is ...Now what?...
Jesus had offended the majority of His own people because He brought to light many of their unrighteous deeds. ...and Jesus spoke freely, mostly speaking in parables firstly to obfuscate the message o...
"Many are lost to the world"
Check Out this Ear Opening sermon from the One and Only...Texe Marrs
Sing along with this uplifting tune!