After being born again in 2015, I began a desire to read the bible earnestly and consistently. A process of start to finish, then repeat. And with each repeating cycle, greater understanding would come. One of those great revelations to me was also the most sobering and frightening. This was because of the conclusion that can be deduced when its meaning is thought through to its end. This passage is Matthew 7:21-23.
For a long time I always believed what I heard in sermons, "God loves You no matter what", "Come as You are", or the modern day equivalent..."He gets Us". Little did i know that once the Holy Spirit gets a hold of Your understanding, that He can and will turn Your world upside down.
The primary context of that passage has to do with "Preachers" or workers of the Lord. These passages tells us that these Men were no ordinary lay men of the faith, but that they were prophets or preachers of the word that had an anointing to do their ministry work. You can probably percieve that there is much expected from these Men of God.