The Anti-Christ Christian

Italian Trulli

Has the words "Jesus" recently left Your mouth in front of people? Have You glorified Jesus in public? How You answer these questions will give You the true state of affairs within Your heart as a Chr...

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"...But Few are Chosen"

Italian Trulli

...there are levels of Faith. This faith is not grown overnight, it is a process of growth. Just like a field bearing both, wheat and tares, You cannot tell a person apart from each other when they ar...

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Why being Lukewarm is death

Italian Trulli


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The Gay Christian

Italian Trulli

Yes...I know the ramifications of writing this. But the reason this controversy has crept in in the first place is that most Churches today have have adopted the big business model and in the process ...

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He could do no mighty works there...

Italian Trulli

In Mark 6:5...We are told that Jesus could do no mighty works at Nazareth. Why is that?...

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The First Anti-Semite

Italian Trulli

Jesus had offended the majority of His own people because He brought to light many of their unrighteous deeds. ...and Jesus spoke freely, mostly speaking in parables firstly to obfuscate the message o...

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Why trying to enter the Kingdom of Heaven will be the hardest thing You will ever do in this life

Italian Trulli


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The great deception of the 70th week of Daniel

Italian Trulli

Its controversy is founded on the fact that it is said to be a future event at the time of the anti-christ. It is controversial because if You read it at face value You would never know that 7 years o...

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It all starts with this one Word

Italian Trulli

Yes, it really is that simple (yet difficult). This simple word is the beginnings of Our Faith. The word "Repent" was the very first word that was uttered by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ a...

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Who really is our teacher?

Italian Trulli

Ok, I'm going to probably make most of You furious. But in anything that You begin anew, it is best to know what You are up against. In todays age...sorry to break it to You but especially to those wh...

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Article Series

For New Christians

The Journey of the Christian Faith is like a thousand mile walk that begins with a single step

The coming World Government

The world goverment is the precursor to the arrival of the Anti-Christ. Are You ready?