...there are levels of Faith. This faith is not grown overnight, it is a process of growth. Just like a field bearing both, wheat and tares, You cannot tell a person apart from each other when they ar...
Its controversy is founded on the fact that it is said to be a future event at the time of the anti-christ. It is controversial because if You read it at face value You would never know that 7 years o...
Yes...I know the ramifications of writing this. But the reason this controversy has crept in in the first place is that most Churches today have have adopted the big business model and in the process ...
I am well aware of the great foresight of Our Forefathers to enact a law that would give the last line of defence to the People. Protection from an out of control government that otherwise would be be...
We should know that the world goverment MUST be in place before the antiChrist can make his appearance (Daniel 7). It seems as if, the groundwork, the technology and the spiritual state of humanity mu...
If You have come to this realization in Your Christian journey...don't be too surpised. You could say being hated by the world is a rite of passage ...
In Mark 6:5...We are told that Jesus could do no mighty works at Nazareth. Why is that?...
When You raise Your level of Faith, one of the things that You might perceive is a greater awareness and closeness to Father God and Our Lord Jesus. ...