...there are levels of Faith. This faith is not grown overnight, it is a process of growth. Just like a field bearing both, wheat and tares, You cannot tell a person apart from each other when they ar...
When You first start Your journey as a beginning Christian...It is very natural to ask internal questions such as..."What does it mean to have Faith?", "What does it even mean to believe?". Th...
In the above passage, notice that Fear is right up there with murderers and whoremonger (sexually immoral). This is scary because, We may not all be murderers or sexually immoral but, We have all fear...
If You have come to this realization in Your Christian journey...don't be too surpised. You could say being hated by the world is a rite of passage ...
Has the words "Jesus" recently left Your mouth in front of people? Have You glorified Jesus in public? How You answer these questions will give You the true state of affairs within Your heart as a Chr...